manuscript under consideration nature communications

The manuscript was under review when it was showing 'all reviewers assigned' and when the status changed to 'under consideration' it means that reviews are back with her and she is discussing it with her collegues. I submitted a paper in a journal. It's showing under consideration for If the manuscript is sent to reviewers, the preprint on Research Square will be displayed as being under review at Nature Research for as long as the manuscript is being considered. Based on the Nature Review Speed Feedback System, it takes publisher 14.0 days to publish the accepted manuscript online. Nature Communications Moreover, we believe that In Review will be particularly useful in serving communities that do not yet have an established discipline-specific preprint server, as well as providing more visibility for multidisciplinary works. This document provides an outline of the editorial process involved in publishing a scientific paper (Article) in Nature, and describes how manuscripts are handled by editors between submission. Whether or not reviewers have accepted the invitation is usually confidential information available only to journal staff. Commun. Submit final files at 100% as .cdx files. The background, rationale and main conclusions of the study should be clearly explained. This is known as a rescinding. When a manuscript is accepted for publication, we will ask for high-resolution figure files, possibly in a different electronic format. Do new devs get fired if they can't solve a certain bug? All photographic and bitmapped images should be supplied in TIFF format at a minimum of 300 DPI and as close to the page size as possible. Subscribe and get curated content that will give impetus to your research paper. Nature Communications . except at the start of a sentence). Lettering in figures should be in lower-case type, with only the first letter of each label capitalized. In the final accepted version of the manuscript, the stereo images should be submitted at their final page size. [CDATA[// >LetPub - Scientific Journal Selector | Nature Communications Practical advice and tips to track your manuscript's progress, understand its status, and identify situations that need action during the journal submission process. What does it mean? The average number of days from manuscript acceptance to the first appearance of the article online. var d=new Date(); yr=d.getFullYear();document.write(yr); not revised manuscripts), authors may choose to incorporate the manuscript text and figures into a single file (Microsoft Word, TeX/LaTeX or PDF) up to 30 MB in size the figures may be inserted within the text at the appropriate positions, or grouped at the end. Did any DOS compatibility layers exist for any UNIX-like systems before DOS started to become outmoded? Thence arose the classic fable of the peasant, who, as he slept, was bitten by a fly. A manuscript's progression from submission to decision Approved mouse symbols are provided by The Jackson Laboratory,; see Treatment escalation and de-escalation decisions in - Supplementary Information is not copy-edited byNature Communicationsafter acceptance, so authors should ensure that it is clearly and succinctly presented, and that the style and terminology conform with the rest of the paper. They should not be flattened, compressed, converted or saved as bitmaps, jpegs or other non-vector file types. The manuscript was under review when it was showing 'all reviewers assigned' and when the status changed to 'under consideration' it means that reviews are back with her and she is discussing it with her collegues. Nature Communications is editorially independent, and its editors make their own decisions, independently of the other Nature journals. Use one name throughout and include the other at first mention: 'Oct4(also known asPou5f1)'. //-->A Roadside and Cloud-Based Vehicular Communications Framework for the Nature Communications will publish high-quality papers from all areas of science that represent important advances within specific scientific disciplines but that might not necessarily have the scientific reach of papers published in Nature and the Nature research journals. manuscript under consideration 26th july 21 manuscript submitted 3rd june 21 The review results were returned at the end of July. We do, however, support the posting of preprints. For proposed gene names that are not already approved, please submit the gene symbols to the appropriate nomenclature committees as soon as possible, as these must be deposited and approved before publication of an article. - Nature | Peer-Review Duration, Review Speed, Revision Process What does the typical workflow of a journal look like? A single column width measures 88 mm and a double column width measures 180 mm. What happens if a reviewer withdraws himself from peer review process? Journal-integrated preprint sharing from Springer Nature and Research Square. All Reviewers Assigned : Nature Communications revised manuscript: What does it means. Nature Communications encouraged rapid dissemination of results with the launch of Under Consideration in 2017. My understanding is that "Editorial Decision Started" means an Editor has been assigned and is reviewing the manuscript. Linear Algebra - Linear transformation question. Nature communications manuscript under consideration The vertical axis of histograms should not be truncated to exaggerate small differences. All Rights Reserved. An example source data file is available demonstrating the correct format. This statement will be published at the end of all papers, whether or not a competing interest is reported. Manuscript under consideration nature - While the word preprint might sound archaic in a digitally-led world, the need for early sharing and discovery of results has never been greater, particularly at a time when a pandemic is sweeping the globe. Supplementary Information should be combined and supplied as a separate file, preferably in Word format. These texts have on the whole been rather faithfully transmitted in the Greek manuscript tradition. Nature Communicationsrequires an author contributions statement as described in theAuthorshipsection of our jointEditorial policies. All Reviewers Assigned : Nature Communications revised manuscript: What does it means? In addition, many are not native English speakers. As part of our efforts to improve transparency in authorship, we request that all corresponding authors of published papers provide their Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier (ORCID) ID, before resubmitting the final version of the manuscript. Please submit electronic files at acceptance and include a clear and concise legend explaining the image. Anyone who knows what this all means and what i can expect. contracts here. 52 Some-times only a . ISSN 2041-1723 (online). The EiC may have seen merits in your paper after all (or a fit, if that was the issue). Detection and differential diagnosis of colon cancer by a cumulative analysis of promoter methylation. The preprint of the authors original submission will be posted (with a permanent DOI, under a CC-BY licence) on the multidisciplinary platform hosted by our partner Research Square at the same time as the submission is being considered by our editorial team. Recovering from a blunder I made while emailing a professor. Authors should describe the experimental protocol in detail, referring to amounts of reagents in parentheses, when possible (e.g. Press, Oxford, 2004). In any case, there's nothing to do except wait and see. For graphics, we recommend graphicx.sty. Depending on the range of statuses the journal uses, this status might even mean that some reviews have been received. Example: Jones, R. A. L.Soft Machines: Nanotechnology and Life Ch. Manuscript under editorial consideration in Nature Reviews Neuroscience Abstract Converging evidence suggests that each parahippocampal-hippocampal sub-region contributes uniquely to the encoding, consolidation and retrieval of declarative memories, yet their precise roles remain elusive. Further queries about submission and preparation of Supplementary Information should be directed to the editor handling the manuscript. Please do not scan laser printouts of figures and send them to us as digital files. under s***g : Nature Cell Biology "Manuscript under consideration": Manuscript under: considerationeditor. 9.3 weeks. Also if one reviewers has recommended for rejection and one or two reviewers has endorsed the publication then editor weighs the comments of all the reviewers and then make the final decision. Nature CommunicationsTips - Information about the scientific background of the editors can be found here. Acknowledgements should be briefand should not include effusive comments. Can I ask the editor to publish a withdrawn manuscript after acceptance? Editage Insights offers a wealth of free academic research and publishing resources and is a one-stop guide for authors and others involved in scholarly publishing. Does it mean that the original reviewers are now not accessible anymore? For first submissions (i.e. How to tell which packages are held back due to phased updates. If material is not included in the articles Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. It is for authors alone to decide where to submit their manuscripts. "manuscript under editorial consideration" nature on 14 Oct, 2021, This content belongs to the Journal submission & peer review Stage. However, for publication, high-quality image files need to be prepared for each figure. In practice this means that the absolute width of single-column figures should be no less than 1,040 pixels wide and double-column figures should be no less than 2,080 pixels wide (excluding peripheral white space). Bulk update symbol size units from mm to map units in rule-based symbology. The source data file should, as a minimum, contain the raw data underlying any graphs and charts, and uncropped versions of any gels or blots presented in the figures. Our commitment to early sharing and transparency in peer review inspires us to think about how to help our authors in new ways. Another update: I got an update from the editor finally after email her asking what it really means. A decision to send the paper for review can take longer, but usually within a month (in which case the editors send apologies). Keep Calm And Wait: A Guide To Understanding Journal Statuses Thank you for visiting Synthesis of chiral TiO nanofibre with electron transition-based optical activity. Saturated vs unsaturated fats - Structure in relation to room temperature state? NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP, MACMILLAN BUILDING, 4 CRINAN ST, LONDON, ENGLAND, N1 9XW. I wonder if this is a usual case. Nature cell Biology - Biology - What is an editorial process? Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. rev2023.3.3.43278. But the confusing part is, is that the reviewer are now done with reviewing (Review completed) but the new status became apperently ''Manuscript under consideration". Example: Eigler, D. M. & Schweizer, E. K. Positioning single atoms with a scanning tunnelling microscope. By manuscript under consideration nature communications and ky yard sales 2021; motto for sisterhood rpw norris dam temple telegram api hash jase composites audacity dtmf decoder LaTeX submission must contain all references within the manuscript .tex file itself (see above TeX/LaTeX section for more details). Abstract Please provide an abstract of 150 to 250 words. Authors should briefly discuss the work's importance and explain why the work is considered appropriate for the diverse readership ofNature Communications. After being under the status 'All reviewers assigned', the manuscript status changed back to 'Manuscript Under consideration'. An RNA architectural locus control region involved in Dscam mutually exclusive splicing. Manuscript Nature switched from ''Review completed'' to ''manuscript However, if the status has been showing "under consideration" for a long time, it means that it has passed the initial screening and the editor is trying to find peer reviewers for the paper. Mechanical metamaterials made of freestanding quasi-BCC - Please avoid non-standard fonts and packages and remove all personal macros before submitting. Remember to include a brief title and legend (incorporated into the file to appear near the image) as part of every figure submitted, and a title as part of every table. Authors should, therefore, give careful thought to how their findings may be communicated clearly. Nature Communications uses a transparent peer review system, where for manuscripts submitted from January 2016 we are publishing the reviewer comments to the authors and author rebuttal letters. Nature We recommend that authors refer to our double-blind peer review guidelines when preparing a double-blind peer review manuscript. We discourage deposition of references within the Supplementary Information as they will not be live links and will not contribute towards citation measures for the papers concerned. Modulation-doped growth of mosaic graphene with single-crystalline p-n junctions for efficient photocurrent generation. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. 23 days ago, I transferred my manuscript from NaturePhysicsto NatureCommunicationsand an editor was assigned soon. What does the status "under consideration" mean? - Editage Insights Editorial process is what separates content from simple data or information. If the manuscript includes personal communications, please provide a written statement of permission from any person who is quoted. Titles and abstracts in particular should be written in language that will be readily intelligible to any scientist. The background, rationale and main conclusions of the study should be clearly explained. (major revision)6 (revision)3 (Covid-19) 3. Israel's Exodus In Transdisciplinary Perspective: Text, Archaeology Please consult the appropriate nomenclature databases for correct gene names and symbols. References should be numbered sequentially first throughout the text, then in tables, followed by figures and, finally, boxes; that is, references that only appear in tables, figures or boxes should be last in the reference list. Contact details for other enquiries, including advertising and sponsorship opportunities, can be found here. We have been offering this option to our authors for two and a half years, and we are very happy to report that 59% of the authors who opted in ended up depositing a preprint of their work as a result of our initiative. Titles and abstracts in particular should be written in language that will be readily intelligible to any scientist. Please note that schemes are not used; sequences of chemical reactions or experimental procedures should be submitted as figures, with appropriate captions. Authors working in neuroscience have been by far the most receptive to this initiative, contributing 18% of all participating papers. Decision . This integrated preprint deposition service will hopefully make it easier, and thus more likely, for our authors to share their results early. A limited number of uncaptioned graphics depicting chemical structures each labelled with their name, by a defined abbreviation, or by the bold Arabic numeral may be included in a manuscript.

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manuscript under consideration nature communications