ner yisroel news

Defaming the Lubavitcher Rebbe is more dangerous than playing with fire. Really, who cares? Either way, its rare for Lubavitchers to have a visceral hatred to a fellow Jew of any other community sect within yiddishkeit. This has been up for a while and the hanholo pretend they had nothing to do with this. The Rebbe is the Nasi Hador and to make a mockery is playing with Fire. TheRead more . What is your ultimate goal? What a disgrace, they dont accept the malchus of the Rebbe even though their founding Rosh Yeshiva was from Chabad roots. I agree with the one offering to teach Chofetz Chayim, Chovos HaLevavos, etc. Are you still going to have Ahavas Yisrael? They should be ashamed of themselves and their amaratzus and how they have no sense of pnimius and their entire hanhala should be ashamed of how theyve EDUCATED their students to speak badly about the Rebbe. That Purim shtick Sure. Try driving near the MirRead more . Ner Yisroel, Baltimore, Maryland. Im sure there are things in New Brunswick and Crown Heights that are not put on social media.. Should the Shliach end off the Bracha in a whisper or out loud? Lets stand together.. the REBBE and his Chassidim whose whole purpose is to Just do what we should, vezehu. What can you expect from them, they dont put on Rabbeinu Tam tefillin, their tefillin is not ksav Ari, etc. He also is the editor of the schools weekly publication. What is with the attackers here? My son was in elementary school and got into a fight with a boy who ripped up a picture of the Rebbe and was mocking my sons belief. He held of every gadol. So why are you making such a big ruckus like you discovered a whole nest of Misnagdim when the Rebbe said there are no Misnagdim now? If this is the hachana for Purim, imagine how empty Purim itself is. Its nice to see some boys had charata. We are all yidden. Also on Baltimore Jewish Life Ner Yisroel is dedicated to producing Bnei Torah that reflect their unique strength and personality. They had dysfunctional views on beautiful pashute yidden who didnt know how to learn Torah like Harvard Professors. Lets get over it and like the dude said lets accomplish what Chabad is capable of accomplishing. Even if there is differences of hashkafa, there is a general attitude of derech eretz and ahavas yisroel that would never allow lubavitch kids to act like this. "Shulchan Aruch Harav (Jewish Law) - 5 minutes daily" Should one day Amen after the Shliach Tzibbur says "Gaal Yisroel"? The amount of time spent on this the menahel had to know it was going on. This shtick was not done with any hate in mind. It is not signed by anyone. it was the right thing to do and puts you a cut above those who still insist on making light of the incident. Use it for kelipa or kedusha. The Rebbe would certainly not tolerate his chassidim engagingRead more . 12 Adar, 5783, Manchester Community Asks to Help a Respected Chabad Family, Ari Halberstam Would Call the Rebbetzin "Dodah", Chabad on Campus Introduces New Two-Year Shlichus Program, 2 Bochurims Podcast Dives Deep Into Lifes Challenges and Triumphs, Expand 770 Activists Recite Entire Tehillim at the Ohel, Achei Tmimim Students Tested on Basar Bcholov. It caused widespread uproar over its mockery of Chabads customs and even the Rebbe himself. Just because you dont show it to them doesnt mean you dont feel or say how much fun you make of them and of their gedolim too. How do you imagine the Rebbe would react to a move in the direction of shalom? You are all very judgemental with your comments Even in the letter, theyre still mocking Chabad, making it try to sound like Tanya Unbelievable, BSD seems sincere and not only bc of the publicity that put the Yeshiva in a bad light, Sunday, 12 Adar, 5783. We have to focus on what good WE can do. Does the Rosh think by calling Collive he is exempt from his responsibility. please take this seriously as you should. Shtick is made about Donald Trump. What do you expect when the whole Lubavitch constantly makes fun of misnagdim? The Baal Shem Tov cleaned up their mess. It is true that they are not the same, YU now has a mashpia Rabbi Moshe Weinberger from Long Island, who is a big Chosid of the Rebbe, but maybe there is still hope for Ner Yisroel. Im also pretty sure you can find professors in Harvard that are Talmidim Chachamim. Then, as now, Toronto was blessed with lay leaders with Torah vision. I have never seen a chabad yeshiva put on such a display in order to mock, even the biggest misnagd. It is truly a sad day for Judaism. They formally apologized. Chabad & the Rebbe deserve a lot more resect for all the good we have done in this world. Its clear that lots of time was invested into tgese props, wasnt just a disrespectful joke. Hope this message gets published!!!!!! 83, grow up. Its honestly funny and if you find this offensive then the problem is with you not with them. Older bochurim have regular sedorim with the Mechina talmidim; the Kollel yungeleit guide, inspire and answer questions posed by the bochurim. My Rebbe told me a story tonight. About BDE, sad to say, there are many Lubavitchers who say that too. An integral part of the Ner Yisroel experience is the interaction between its three divisions: the Mechina, Bais Medrash and Kollel. We do not have chasunas during the Sefira, as Rabbi Akivas pupils did not respect each others Rebbes. This is a double standard, calling out others, then cursing them out, claiming all sorts of falacies just because u can comment anonymously. This is an amazing thing and we should continue to do this. Anything very successful and out there, is a big topic that people think of as worthy of immitating etc. Im a hat and jacket wearing, chitas and Rambam learning Lubavitcher chossid, And I thought the display was funny and good humor, comes from their leadership. 2. If these boys dont have the courage to sign their names, the letter is worthless. Of course nothing happened to the other boy(s). 2. This will be open on Mon-Thurs from 12 noon until 4pm, and on Sundays from 11am until 5pm. In 2002, HaRav Ezra became a maggid shiur in the Yeshiva and currently serves both roles as Rosh Kollel and Maggid Shiur. I totally agree with you. The coverup/deflection is worse than the crime, Its took me a while to figure out that it said kisef hamalchus. How old are we?! I havent witnessed mockery of the litvishe people, but if Chabad people do mock them, then this story should be used as an awakening. Rav Ruderman ztl even used to learn Tanya. If you cannot beat em join em! This yid worked in ner Yisreol (not sure deserves such a name) for 15 years and during the whole time no one ever approached him to speak to him. Dont you realize that what they picked up on Will stay with them forever? Yeshivas Ner Yisroel was founded in 1933 by the Rosh HaYeshiva, Moreinu vRabbeinu Harav Yaakov Yitzchok Ruderman ztl, with the goal of developing a high-level, Slabodka-style yeshiva geared specifically towards the contemporary American bochur. Collive does a great service to Lubavitch but by no means to they represent it. The principal of the Ner Yisroel high school in Baltimore told a Purim exhibit on Chabad was "kids misbehaving." He also gives special lectures for the alumni and community at large. He was also famed for his beautiful and inspiring tefillos as a ba'al tefillah. Your comments are excellent, however Chabad back Laughing at the Rebbe, was not the smartest thing to do are repwsonsable for what happens under their leadership, Very sad that these young boys whom will soon be men are educated in an environment which engrains snd encouragrs so much chullul. Mocking a tzadik or praising the tzadik doesnt change the tzadik. Its just shtick stop crying like a bunch of children. Its nauseating. We are SO LUCKY that our chabad boys are busy with productive and beautiful things!!! how could a jewish school do such a thing! For anyone willing to forgo ones own honor, thats a choice the individual makes. Im sure there are things in New Brunswick and Crown Heights thats an apology? In the letter, the bochurim reveal that a teacher in their school rebuked students over creating the display, causing discord among Jewish people at a time when there is increased unity among many frum communities. Sadness because, while their grandparents were in Litvisher Yeshivos working so hard with the self centered goal of becoming gedolim, our grandparents were in Russia risking their livesRead more . Where does the hate come from? (Then, lets make sureRead more . Not on the not good OTHERS do. a freilichen shushan purim to you. We can feel compassion for them and their twisted chinuch and be kind to them and understand that they are sweet boys with misguided mechanchim. Thats so lame!! We are taught from birth to look beyond the superficial. Its therefore rather easy to conclude that this display is reflective of the school in general including the administration. It is available in Eretz Yisroel through Rabbi Klein (02-653-6578), and in Lakewood by the Sirota Family at 166 Daniel Drive (732-370-0663). I personally was raised in a secular environment and can tell u in certain terms that these boys did not come to this on their own it takes a village to raise a child more specifically the klippah then are surrounded in has begun to permeate them. I taught in a Litvish cheder, and as a joke there were Moshiach flags and Yechi yarmulkes aplenty, especially around Purim. Together we can continue building greatness. Kids misbehave and it doesnt have to end up on social media. Sign up here to receive the alumni newsletter, Toward the end of the school year, many eighth-graders and high school seniors on their graduation trips to Washington make Ner Yisroel a significant part of their itinerary. I encourage others to call the school and voice your disapproval. A signed apology on official stationery is a minimum requirement. good for you! Join us in our first ever online campaign to raise $2,500,000. Sadness because these boys are so ignorant and misguided (and likely full of hate), to have done what they did. Put another . I grew up in that kind of community. This just pushes the geulah away. ner yisroel news. Do we make fun of the Ltivishe in our homes/communities/schools? I could just throw up from some of these opinions, especially from Black Hatted, Chitas saying;;;l; etc. Lchaim! one thing he can be sure of: the Aibershter isnt viewing this behavior as a joke and isnt laughing. But in a phone conversation with, Cook stated that the photos which were shared on social media were a gross invasion of privacy. Neuberger. Ner Yisroel is not some dinky little dump of aRead more , Anyone who thinks he can be a true emesdik tzadik or talmid chacham WITHOUT any relationship to his Rebbe or Chasidus is called a Tzsdik in pelz Thank you Sruly for informing the public of this hateful act. He also gives special lectures for the alumni and community at large. in all three yeshivos ive been to, the mashpiim made fun of the litvisher lifestyle by almost every single farbrengen. I THINK THE PROPER FORM OF PENANCE WOULD BE FOR EACH OF THE BOCHURIM TO LEARN ONE PEREK OF TANYA. Ahreinu Ma Tov Chelkeinu! This isnt Purim! a letter like this is not fixing the core of the problem. Ner Yisroel is dedicated to producing Bnei Torah that reflect their unique strength and personality. Was sent To put up the Ohel) so please leave your bs for yourself and dont try to compare us to them. To bow, Nobody would say its disgraceful. Yes 59 - the gyva is absolutely shocking "We and others in yeshiva were not happy about the "Purim shtick" that was done. to this offender group of Litvishers. Kos She Brocho to ghosts must stop as well guys but that is only a small crazy part of Chabad and if we did not keep who would? TIME TO RESPECT EACH OTHER EVEN WHEN WE DONT AGREE OR SEE EYE TO EYE!!!! Of course, a highly-publicized apology would be in order. may we have the coming of moshiach!!!!!!!! As the Rebbe always stressed, there needs to be a horaah in avodah. Ashreinu mah tov chelkeinu! Even less know is the fact that the founder of N.I.- Rabbi Rudermans -father was a Lerned chossid of the Rebbe Rashab. poor them theyre just confused and tying to get attention. No one told parents what they were working on props and etc and NOT ONE parent called or saw to stop it ?? I seldom heard people make very nasty comments about other Gedolim. Just accept it and move on. Did they make a mockery of him specifically? Ner Yisroel should be gozeir a taanis, and have a special kinnus where Lubavitchers address the entire yeshiva about the Rebbe and Chasidus, at the conclusion of which a picture of the Rebbe is placed permanently in front of the Beis Medrash and hundreds of nusach Ari siddurim are brought there for the talmidim. And shtus, We also get your email address to automatically create an account for you in our website. At the conclusion of this period, the situation can be reevaluated. Each grade completes one bekius masechtaper year as part of the curriculum; in addition, there are special incentives that inspire manybochurimto voluntarily bemesayemthebeiyun masechtaduring off-hours. I am glad someone apologized, however, we dont know if this was two bochurim, 10? Since Chabad is so full of love for other Jews they should not be penalized now. The Shops at Riverwoods is at the center of the Riverwoods Community, a 120-acre (0.49 km2) village containing 186,667 square feet (17,341.9 m2) of retail space, 143 residences . May we all be tolerant of those that are different from us and stay focused on doing what the Rebbe wants from us! stands for. But some of it was seen as disrespectful, even derisive, with a photo of the Rebbe in a mikvah, an exhibit of send a fax straight to heaven #Rebbe,' using the Chabad acronym for a donkey without a knowledge, a sign BDH The Reba Died, a whack-a-hat station with a hammer and fedoras, as well as a mock cemetery. A real real shame. 12 Adar, 5783, Manchester Community Asks to Help a Respected Chabad Family, Ari Halberstam Would Call the Rebbetzin "Dodah", Chabad on Campus Introduces New Two-Year Shlichus Program, 2 Bochurims Podcast Dives Deep Into Lifes Challenges and Triumphs, Expand 770 Activists Recite Entire Tehillim at the Ohel, Achei Tmimim Students Tested on Basar Bcholov. Ive seen theses photos about a week or more ago and theyve been around even before that. Sunday, 12 Adar, 5783. Despite the fact that I politely declined their kind offers, one Bochur took the initiative and brought me an ice cold can of soda. The hanhala was taken completely off guard when they walked in for shacharis. Lubavitch is disrespectful to Misnagdishe gedaylim. If Chas Veshalom it happened there would be Lubavitch wide condemnation. And btw we make fun of them all the time too. Rabbi Cook, the principal, said the entire display was taken down. He did not share details on how long it has been up, or whether the administration of the school was aware of its contents and when it was removed. So going to the ohel and asking mechila is the most obvious thing. @45 so true but its because of the ideology of @38 , which i guess is what chabad believesthat on the bottom are nebach , non-chassidim. These are a bunch of eleventh grade teens who need action in their life like most normal teens.who has action?!? i.e social media. Is this what our future gedolim are being taught? I have also been in the funny how the latest time for shachris on the sign is 2:00 pm, This generation is all about shtus. The letter discussed their remorse over the display at Ner Yisroels Mechina high school created by fellow students in honor of Purim. World with the Moshiach schtick. So , in early 1959, a meeting was called by the founders of the Yeshiva. Chabad /Lubavitch intrigues them. These kids are just korbanos hate is where a person will hurtRead more , Everybody chill. It isnt right but it gave me a laugh! May they be zoche to come to Chassidus! Close the gemara andRead more . Teach your bochurim , for the health and welfare of these rabbeim, parents and kids please go to the ohel and apologize. 15 years!!!! I hope everyone gets on with it and continues to accomplish what Lubavitch is capable of accomplishing., VIDEO: Israel Clapman, a Crown Heights resident, speaks out, Sign up for the COLlive Daily News Roundup and never miss a story, And as a former Talmud of Ner Yisroel, I can say that I was never ever taught anything remotely hateful about Chabad. CHABAD!!!!! This involves our Rebbe! HaRav Boruch Neuberger is the son of HaRav Sheftel Neuberger, late Menahel of the Yeshiva. They should be ashamed of themselves and completely revamp the leadership there.

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ner yisroel news