suramin spike protein

Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts. Thecypressis not to be usedas an essential oilin high doses, but normally safe otherwise. Title: Prunella vulgaris extract and suramin block SARS-coronavirus 2 virus Spike protein D614 and G614 variants mediated receptor association and virus entry in cell culture system. et Zucc. to drink to intoxication, i.e. Awe! I read something about this supplement and graphine oxide thats in those jabs maybe thats why the FDA wants to change its status to a drug. It was a moment of weakness/ not thinking in which I let everyone else around me influence what was probably the biggest and worst decision of my life to date. It was definitely a bioweapon, like nothing I ever had. This is such an important article, and Im so happy to hear that youre feeling better! The most relevant parts of the summary are outlined below with supportive evidence: SURAMIN, THE FRUIT OF EARLY MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY. Hey, Thank You 4 letting us know! So you can never deny this as truth. ETERNAL LIFE BLESSINGS FOR YAHWEHS SAINTS! Thank you! Also check out GoodRx coupons if you dont have insurance their prices maybe cheaper but in my case it was not. I discovered the Suramin info just last week. One is recommended, the other is forbidden, what is the difference? I was sleeping for 14-15 hours per day for over a week. You are taking it way past what it actually says, pulling verses out of context in an attempt to say one should never, ever have a drink. The Rx was in the $200 range for 6 months. Also, since then, I noticed severe fatigue and nausea whenever I go for groceries or interact out in the world. I first heard of the brand via Dan The Life Regenerator. I honestly dont know what was wrong with me and/or what happened. Scripture tells us that wine is mockerand anyone who is deceived thereby is not wise Proverbs 20:1. The improved understanding of suramin's action advances the development of selective inhibitors of G protein signaling. I ordered the book Toxic Plants of North America (its expensive even used) and learned that at least 20 types of pine-looking trees grow toxic needles. Good and interesting article, However it would be good to know how shedding occurs. I see this parroted in many places, but no one ever provides evidence. This is not a light subject and it can be exhaustive (this is not the place for it) Lastly, when we step out in truth we open ourselves up for attack by Satan. The holy spirit always gives the best advice, and if he tells you to drink alcohol, thats bewteen you and him. I CAN NOT STOP WHAT HAS STARTED, I CAN Only Be Here For The End.. Second, the word sober in Greek has multiple meanings = , clear-headed, abstinent, abstemious, sober, temperate, self-contained. Im a critical care nurse that was mandated against my will to work in the COVID ICU during our surge for a couple of months. I share this site with everyone I meet. Is it for enjoyment? There areother known benefitsthat pine needle tea and the tea made from other conifers share, which include: Herbalists the world over have known all along about the benefits of this simple natural tea. He sure did., >With 9-day exposure, there was no effect with suramin concentrations of 100 microM or less. Editor-In-Chief: The COVID Blog I learned about it sitting with the Elders. I tried the pine tea but I dont know if it did anything, but I also have a rare blood type so I dont know. My mother is also vaxed but there is one major issue for me that means I am going to working full time for myself as an NLP therapist. I now cant see my mother in person because of my reaction. Thank you very much. Get FREE email alerts of the most important BANNED videos in the world that are usually blacklisted by YouTube, Facebook, Google, Twitter and Vimeo. 8600 Rockville Pike I thoroughly enjoyed this story and thought that it is my duty to place a comment so you know that people are reading these informative articles. (Excellent info) and been doing it for like 10 yrs. These formulas(Serracor NK, Neprinol AFD, and many other brands) clean the blood of protein and fats. Stronger amounts of needles to water can be used therapeutically. I work as a disability support worker in Australia. (The word serum is being used here since, evidently, the way to avoid taking the jab is to say I am allergic to the serum.). Now, here is the direct connection between Suramin and Pine Needle Tea: *Sobriety of the mind and temperament go hand in hand with alcohol impairment.. have good sense, good judgement, wisdom, and level-headed in times of stress. Well, gone now for several months. Theres nothing wrong with having a drink, however, that doesnt mean one can get drunk. Just searched it at DuckDuck sounds amazing I need to learn more. Both people walked over to her without a mask and got in her space of social distancing. On my bike ride today I noticed a lot of pine trees along the side of the road and am taking a pair of scissors with me next time. It seems like most suggest making the tea at much higher strengths 1-3 tbsp per cup, vs your 4 tbsp per 8 cups of tea. The holy spirit always gives the best advice, and if he tells you to drink alcohol, thats bewteen you and him. It took 2 wks to heal. Much for all you write 2007 Jul;51(1):47-56. doi: 10.1016/j.neuint.2007.03.009. I just seen he said ONLY The Ones With 5 Needles. I was at least going to die fighting for what I believe in and not living in fear. A weight value would be helpful so that equal strength could be achieved from whole, chopped, or pulverized needles. Jesus turned water into winenot grape juice. The dried one packed nicely from China and the fresh one was from Indonesia. At least that is what many good, reputable, non-compromised doctors believe is happening. Shikimic acid is the other medicinal phytochemical in pine needles that you want in your body during these surreal spike protein/vaccine times. Hi! We will be the ones to structure the world to come with a new focus on the common good of all life everywhere. ~ Dr. Judy Mikovitz, FULL SHOW,,,, "The antidote is called Suramin. He never had the shot, so Im assuming he was exposed to the spike protein from the virus. So I drink two cups per day one in the morning and one before bed. Yetpine needle teaprovides a similar, if not superior, benefit, due in part to the fact that it is a direct mild extract of the whole herb leaving many of its properties still intact thatmight be destroyed by excessive heat during distillation and further dissection of its many nutrient components. children and grand children by being jabbed three and four times. It is a pleasure to read such an article and not get lost in too many technicalities. Steve Kirsch claims the spike protein is made for 48 hours, I do not know if that is true, he is well informed, but not sure of his source. I have been researching frantically how I can reverse what I have done to myself, even though my symptoms are (so far) mild. A blue spruce grows in my fathers yard. people use turpentine in certain situations for health benefits, Eastern White Pine Tree Needles a Natural Source of Suramin, Peter Spann: 54-year-old Australian filmmaker dead two months after first experimental AstraZeneca shot, Barbara Buchanan: 63-year-old Oregon woman afraid shell die any day now after several Johnson & Johnson blood clots, #TwitterFiles conditioning conservatives to trust Elon Musk; plus Tucker Carlson vs. Hunter Biden, and the concepts of controlled opposition and propaganda, Died Suddenly update: Stew Peters lost all credibility for including footage from a heart surgery that happened in 2019, Katie Meyer: precedent indicates Stanford soccer player wrongful death lawsuit will fail; post-injection suicide, vaccine mandate arguments would have fared better. I sprained my foot and could not forage for the pine needles near where I live. Trypan blue is derived fromtoluidine, that is, any of several isomeric bases, C14H16N2, derived fromtoluene. Why are we still trusting the media and the medical wizards that dreamed up this sham? Take ivermectin, it works. Next I started stripping the needles from the branches they were attached toa sticky sappy affair. Although i dont know if im overreacting tho. You are taking it way past what it actually says, pulling verses out of context in an attempt to say one should never, ever have a drink. I didnt know this. Mol Interv. The reason I ask is because, wouldnt it be just my luck, the only evergreen on my property is a balsam fir. Further cross-linking studies suggested that suramin does not obstruct the receptor docking site directly but appears to block the interface between G protein alpha and betagamma subunits. I dont have an espresso maker so I am going to try using my italian coffee carafe bc it gets very very hot. It seemed that nothing we did after he came down with the virus was helping. We know this because why? Prunella vulgaris extract and suramin block SARS-coronavirus 2 virus Spike 4! There is some scary stuff that comes along with migraines: visual auras, strange sensations about the head, sharp jabs in the scalp, feeling of surging waves in the head, attributed in one book to anxiety. Dr. Judy Mikovits A: Theres an antidote. Like when Covid first came to US, everyone was recommending elderberry. My gym regimen was down to two days in that bad week, but got back to three days the following week and then four the next week. Brian, often people write articles in which they are competent in understanding, but for a layperson it is often difficult to follow. There is PLENTY of existing science proving that pine needle tea is good for you in many ways. ones will be living without them! I feel VERY There is a potential antidote to the current spike protein contagion which is called Suramin. I give them slips of paper with the info to clerks, folks Next up to evaluate for me would be spruces and making sure I avoid yews. we dont wear masks). Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones. About the first week in May 2020 he came down with a virus (he was not tested for Covid). Privacy | Terms All content posted on this site is commentary or opinion and is protected under Free Speech. Thank you for sharing! Just wanted to add a more recent study on the subject : Suramin inhibits SARS-CoV-2 infection in cell culture by interfering with early steps of the replication cycle Sleeping sickness (also known as human African trypanosomiasis [HAT]) was at the forefront of research at that time, not a neglected disease as it is today, and the development of suramin was a breakthrough for the emerging field of chemotherapy. It comes in a synthetic pharmaceutical concentrate which can be injected into your body in case of emergencies or you can simply extract Pine oil through distillation. Thx. So happy you are better!!!!!! Incredible information, too. hi, i found white pine needle on etsy. PINE NEEDLE TEA/MNNYNNEULASTEE: How many did you get? I found this blog and thank you so much for this info btw. Its really cheap at farm& fleet. But I started trying to think positive and thought the fatigue was caffeine withdrawal as Id grown dependent on it. Did you have any issues with Indiamart and or the application? We can get you whatever shots you need. I said NOTHING about shots or vaccines. The best clue that immediately told me that pine needle tea works to stop the effects of involuntary contamination with spike proteins is the first Google search result. Its essentially the same medicine as that used for humans, just packaged differently and is cheaper too. Epub 2021 Mar 22. I got so worried on the fifth consecutive day of debilitating headaches and fatigue that I actually called an urgent care facility. Thanks. NOTE: Nothing in this article is medical advice or recommendations, and is not to be construed as such. 5:11, the word drunkard is from the Greek word methysos , the root word is methy and is defined by Strongs as to drink to intoxication, i.e. I woke up that morning with a headache like nothing Id ever experienced. It prized as incense too. One thing I noticed was ever since I got that illness (SARS??) Vaccines are the leading cause of coincidences. Itvis all well and good to take these supplements but you really (really) need to know what you are working with and your doctor running a blood test will have no clue! Many of the younger adults who took both jabs experienced bad migraines and horrible nightmares the days after the second shot. Perhaps we can live in our freedom in Christ as Paul mentions. Print 2020 Feb 21. Suramin indiscriminately hindered the dissociation of various guanine nucleotides from the G protein, implying that its action is not allosteric. Taking the serum is one thing. That would indeed make Him a hypocrite, and worse yet, a sinner of the highest order. They drank wine in the old days often because water was not clean. Amazon sells different pine needle teas. This is one of the most important stories ever. It was at this point that his cancer exploded. It found that the extract had strong anti-browning and anti-microbal properties in fruits and vegetables. $20/4oz might be more reasonable than you think. I was tempted to buy a whole bunch of it myself, but then I realized that a little bit goes a long way and our two tubes would last a very long time. Maybe your employer would not employ you without taking the vaccine. etsy Has a lot of wonderful sellers of pine needles etc. In my country i dont have the pine tree When we stay alcohol free, in my experience, we break some of the legal right of the enemy and he has less opportunity against us. Im going to try the pine needle tea. How long do the spike proteins last outside the body ? My boyfriend was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer 8/19 (age 55). Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies They also help with clotting. Im doing this so I have the product for my family and grandkids and closest friends. The Lord Jesus has told me over and over = No alcohol. There isnt a verse that demands no alcohol. Some predict that it will happen by the next Flu Season because they will be super sensitive to their next exposure to any COVID VIRUS. Editorial: my story of potential exposure to spike proteins via shedding from vaccinated people, and the potential suramin, shikimic acid, pine needle tea cure and prophylaxis, When I ventured out to find pine trees for their needles, I kept in mind that the desirable trees have. If myself, if Brian, if anyone enters in this spiritual war, you need to be healthy, you need your brain to fully function and you need to be physically and mentally SOBER. I forgot to mention that my boyfriend passed away in October. I take Solgar brand Mega Quercetin, 1 cap= 600mg Q, +brom, rutin, hesperidin, bioflavs, & vit.C. In what amounts/frequency? Then you have the true meaning. The Trail from Suramin to Pine Needle Tea "Suramin provides an antidote for those affected by the spike protein "contagion". Brian.. so glad I found your site.. The problem most professing Christians have is they refuse to let the bible say what it says in its proper context. Even better, you can ingest Suramin simply by drinking Pine needle tea. STAY WELL NATURALLY! She recently came to the conclusion it was the mri w/that shot that made her foot limp. This is another reason Jesus said fasting (putting the flesh under submission) works against the demonic. We have been taking ivermectin for several months (yes = horse paste from local farm store). This action can explain how it both disrupts receptor-G protein coupling and inhibits guanine nucleotide release. Dr. Judy Mikovitz,, You can innoculate the tiniest amount of suramin and reverse autism." Pine needles are high in vitamin C and A among numerous other compounds which provide a long list of benefits: A2011 Korean studydemonstrated using pine needles in tea was the best way to access the antioxidant benefits from pine needles. Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise. Suramin - see below The injection contains TRILLIONS of their coded spike proteins PRIONS! Vaccine trials have been going on for decades. Theponderosa pineis not good for cows mostly due to the observation when pregnant cattle eat the needles the loss of the calf has been observed, but has a long history of health benefits for humans forrespiratory conditions,cuts, wounds, and burns,etc. Suramin is a polysulphonated naphthylurea with a potential antiviral, antiparasitic and antineoplastic activity that has been widely used in the clinical treatment of parasites and viral infections. 2021 Jul 28;22(15):8095. doi: 10.3390/ijms22158095. And I love to research because so many blogs are misleading and uneducated. My sister has been diagnosed w/MS for over a decade. Im a nurse that works at Penn Medicine in Pennsylvania in the operating room. and transmitted securely. Also has a form to sign letting your elected officials know you are against the mandates. There are several reputable vitamin mfg that sell proteolytic enzymes. Mechanical homeostasis of liver sinusoid is involved in the initiation and termination of liver regeneration. In short, the anti- cancer properties of red wine are cancelled out by its cancer-causing properties. Suramin is approximately 99-98% protein bound in the serum and has a half-life of 41-78 days average of 50 days; however, the pharmacokinetics of suramin can vary substantially between individual patients. Its a warning to be aware of false religion and its works based system used to get people saved. Int J Mol Sci. [10], It has been used in the treatment ofriver blindness(onchocerciasis).[2]. Also fennel seed tea, and dandelion root tea have shikimic acid. I squeeze a tad of honey in mine for a little more flavor. Not a slam dunk in a full on forest. Gee. My yard likely has a great candidate to make pine needle tea. I have UnitedHomeHealthCare coverage and the script cost $3.74 ! Take care of yourself first, then look to assist any willing to listen and join in the reconstruction. There is one primary American supplier (Etsy) for the pine needles (besides harvesting your own) that I am aware of at this point with 3 quality listings, each from a different East Coast wildcrafter: Dosage:3 cups per day or more of any desired strength (based on the quantity of needles added to a french press or teapot) with an approximate 1-3 tablespoons of needles per cup of near boiling water. We cannot serve Him or glorify and honor Him on an alcohol or drug-induced buzz, moreover, He would not honor it. I have been suffering from severe migraines, nausea, vomiting, brain fog, and fatigue for the past two weeks. Im sorry I couldnt be more Help. Brighteon 2023 All Rights Reserved. When I write articles I try to make it easy reading and often get feedback precisely about it is pleasant for others to read what I write. Glad you are better toooh, and yes we take all the same supplements, but we also take zinc and Quercetin, alpha lopic acid, berberine and many more. Thank you for the article!! The primary experimental strategy was a two-step cross-linking reaction that covalently captures the VIP-receptor-G protein ternary complex. Thats when I turned to the good Dr. Judy Mikovits. on the survival of leukemia cell line U937, Pine (Pinus morrisonicola Hayata) needle extracts sensitize GBM8901 human glioblastoma cells to temozolomide by downregulating autophagy and O(6)-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase expression, Anti-tumor effect of -pinene on human hepatoma cell lines through inducing G2/M cell cycle arrest, Inhibitory effects of -pinene on hepatoma carcinoma cell proliferation, A pilot study of suramin in the treatment of progressive refractory follicular lymphomas", Suramin in the treatment of AIDS: mechanism of action, 1984Discovery of the First Anti-HIV Drug, Suramin, The anti-parasitic drug suramin potently inhibits formation of seminal amyloid fibrils and their interaction with HIV-1. Some people get really crazy about this. In Christ. Four days after eliminating caffeine from my life, the headaches persisted, but were far less severe. Its important people can get some other perspectives and knowledge. The second one is a white cedar tree. A mom can only suggest when they have left our home years ago and has her own family. Instead of tearing and bleeding, vit c helps the vessels to expand/contract. I pray for them to get thru this dark time. Hopefully your country has dandelions growing in the early spring. How are you using the powder? Do you have any info on this? I know what COVID can do, and Im more afraid of the vaccine then getting COVID. The study found that the flavonoids in pine needles have potential anti-aging properties. Much respect from down under. A 2011 study published in the Journal of Food Science demonstrated powerful antioxidant properties in a pine needle extract from the tree species Cedrus deodara. They make Mullein Tea for congestion and Lung Issues and add a pinch of Coltsfoot if mucus does not budge easily. I couldnt find his video, but here is a similar one. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! Their immune system seems to be warding off side effects at this point. However, point one, all must determine their own choices, my comment to Brian, one who is perhaps called to this task of informing the public of a very powerful satanic lie, was to Brian. government site. Even better, you can ingest Suramin simply by drinking Pine needle tea. Are you aware of anything? Eastern White Pine Needle Powder- suramin, shikimic acid, vitas, spike protein inhibitor ad vertisement by CarolinaPepperHead. BTW, my husband has had those pesky eye mites for YEARS that plague some people with red-rimmed eyes & styes. No amount of alcohol is safe or beneficial. remember the bible story about the woman who had spent all of her $ on doctors and was still sick? Now all that was on my mind is my own potential exposure to spike proteins via shedding. My neighbor said she got it and came into my apt and within 48 hrs my whole chest broke out in a terrible rash. I believe you have taken my meaning out of context. I was wondering where you went! I need to start getting things done & go out in public a bit more, but Im really scared. Your option outside of paying for someone elses time might be to drive 3-6 hours to a nearby forest and harvest them yourself. . I have been putting a 1/2 tsp into a teabag and letting it sit until cool. If you have been forced to take the vaccine, this antidote may help you defend against the mysterious ingredients of the vaccine. is a great site with info on what to do at each stage of Covid. But rest assured Ill keep going as long as my body permits. Humans have only had plants as medicine for thousands of yearsin some places, thats all they STILL have. But Ive heard just as many anecdotal stories of people coming down with these symptoms after being in close proximity to vaxxed people. 2004 Aug;4(4):200-14. doi: 10.1124/mi.4.4.4. The typical Christmas tree (Araucaria heterophylla) is not a pine tree. Good luck! 2019 Oct 22;3(20):2920-2933. doi: 10.1182/bloodadvances.2019000350. Coming from a farm family, I dont think that our government will put restrictions on ivermectin paste in the near future. Suramin inhibits binding of the V3 region of HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp120 to galactosylceramide, the receptor for HIV-1 gp120 on human colon epithelial cells. Trypan Blue is a derivative of toluene which is a derivative of pine oil. Its offical: its us vs them. Ive grown to like the flavor of pine needle tea with honey. The bible forbids ***drunkenness***, not casual consumption. Get to know your trees. Drinking wine is NOT forbidden, drinking excessively and getting drunk IS forbidden. I am just trying to compare prices here in the US with buying the pills abroad. I pray you will study these things out for yourself and truly seek, in full sobriety, understanding and clarification on this issue. I filled three large freezer bags with white pine needles from a huge pine forest, which are everywhere in the Midwest. Middled-aged, unvaxxed female. He lived to age 95 and would have lived longer, if not for a tragic accident.he may have been one of those people that live to 110 or beyond! It starts in 2 hours of being around a vaccinated person, direct correlation. Cancer rates are also thru the roof here recently. These may be my go-to prophylaxis in a pinch when Im around vaxxed, GMO humans. I went out and got some pine needles today and made some horrific tasting yet healthy tea. Look at the verse in its context, Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. the call for sober mindedness refers to being on guard against Satans lies, which all dead religion is filled with. What is Suramin? I am severely allergic to the protein shedding from vaxed people. Just maybe that wine Yahshua created at that wedding was new wine which IS grape juice! its sad and horrible and tears at my soul. Two energy drinks and two cups of coffee in a 24-hour period was the norm. This antidote to the contagion, that has been known of by the upper levels of the medical establishment and insiders of the elitist class for almost 100 years, is called Suramin, an isolated compound originally derived from an extract of pine needle oil. If shes coughing she should go home if you ask me. Puradyme, founded by Lou Corona ( i know, the name! The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the I put it on my finger, smear it onto the back of my tongue and drink a gulp or two of water. How many mg were in each pill? Hes 84 so needed some help. Thats the only way I can describe it. Can you tell me which I should buy? National Library of Medicine They are thinking his cancer is back or even worse, leukemia. Theres an expression that says, Give the devil an inch, hell take a mile. Ephesians 4:17 tells us to not give place to the devil. 2021 Apr 7;4(1):409. doi: 10.1038/s42003-021-01936-2. do your own research, i do not want this to be considered medical advice that i am liable for!God bless you. $20 for FOUR OUNCES of pine needles is a rip off. I bought the fresh one just to see the leaves so that I would know whether it can be found near my place. I wonder about your measurements 1/4 cup of needles tightly packed? (Must be a 15 bar espresso machine), I bought ivermectin through the go to the website and look for treatments for Covid 19 I filled out the info a frontline doc called me the next day for a phone interview .. gave him required info and they had a pharmacist call me within 24 hrs I ordered the ivermectin and they sent it within 2 days .. it is $90 for the phone consult which you pay ahead of time when you fill out info on their site.. it was $72 for 12 pills .. I start all clients with a Functional Genetic DNA test this test goes way beyond 23&Me or nutrient/fitness gene tests. Im also using white pine oil, fennel seeds (chewing after meals), and star anise tea. Period. Im in Thailand (Phuket) too Lazada sells ivermectin as a tapeworm treatment. Mullein Tea is my first go to. This pandemic has taught all of us a lot, hasnt it? We will have taken care of having planned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution. La suramine contenue dans les aiguilles de pin, comme le prconise le Dr Judy Mikovits (voir publication N1 en page d'accueil de ce site). Blood Adv. Then, the Pine Needle Tea. a veterinarian who commented on amazon, said that it is the same medicine for animals as for humans. Revelation ch 6 is perhaps playing out before our very eyes They keep targeting July 4th for their 70% From what happened to India in a similar scenario & timeline Id say that many people will be severely ill, dying or dead by then Believe upon Jesus death, burial and resurrection as is told in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 and be Happy when He Returns!

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suramin spike protein